Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch……..

Amanda spent most of the day asleep, and we also had Ben here because our babysitter was under the weather too. It would have been fine had I been fine, but I apparently have pulled a muscle in my chest, so wrestling with a 23 month old is not a very effective way to avoid pain. I did wrestle him anyway mind you, but I was not nearly as successful as I had hoped to be.

But it is now just after 10pm and Ben is asleep. It hurts to lift the glass of wine the cat and I are having out on the porch (it’s actually just mine), and if my left arm were coordinated at all (remember my left elbow has been surgically rebuilt, and not to full function either) I would have tried it from that side. But wine is to drink, not to wear (some people should learn that) so I am toughing it out through the pain.

But the night is beautiful. It is about 60, there is a nice breeze, and if I turn off the ceiling fan I can hear Puddy eating the bug she caught a few minutes ago (I will leave it on). I just enjoy being out here. The Lord calls us to rest, and though I never can on Sundays because I am a priest, I take time here and there, like tonight out on the porch with the cat.

It looks like Amanda will be going back to work tomorrow and Ben back to the sitter. If I am able, I hope to get a few things done that I have had to put off taking care of them. If not I will take an extended rest. I am just happy to see Amanda feeling better. It worries me that she gets these headaches, and this past one scared me quite a bit. I just hope she never has one again!! Keep her in your prayers!

AND, on another note, Flo went home today from the hospital!!! Praise God!

Okay, enough for tonight. I am going to try and finish this glass with two hands!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in!


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