An unexpected detour…..

Well in an effort to be responsible I made an appointment with my doctor this morning and went in, fully expecting him to dismiss my chest pains as “impatience” with waiting for a muscle problem to heal. Yep, it was for my sake and it was impatience because I have tried ice, rest, heat, Motrin, Naproxen, a plug in massage machine, and even the ever popular “Tiger Balm” that my wife hates but I love…it is not made from real tigers.

But with persistent pain I figured I would at least learn something. But when the physical exam (the pushing and the prodding) did not cause the pain, suddenly I found myself hooked up to an EKG machine and then an x-ray. Fortunately (really) I passed both and we were back to the muscle stuff…..but it was a hell of a detour!

My doctor is a great guy and just laughed that much of what happens to me is not textbook. For instance, a stroke after being on an apnea machine 4 months and losing 45 pounds with great blood pressure and in shape…..I am often a mystery! Today however I aced it all, and though I still have the pain, as of this point I have almost lived to 11 o’clock! I intend to see the morning too! I am just glad the nurse did not contort her face during the EKG or the tech did not scream when she read my ex-rays. I could use a break, and tonight at the end of the day I feel I have gotten one!

I am tired from the worries and scares of the last few years and I really want to get to where I feel comfortable. I am tired of feeling like a former athlete, and though I am almost 48, I will begin the journey of getting back to that (as much as a middle aged guy can) when I go to bed tonight. Time will tell, but one thing is for certain, I cannot stay where I am. Keep me in your prayers. This past year has been too scary to relive.

As my doctor says…it starts right now. And that it does!

Keep the faith my friends! I hope you have had a blessed day!


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