Tales from the back porch……..

The back porch keeps getting warmer, much to my chagrin. I am not a big fan of the heat, but do enjoy a nice cool breeze as I am out here typing. Tonight I am doing double-duty. I am not only posting this blog entry, but I am also getting my sermon done for Sunday. With it being a holiday weekend, I want to be available as much as I can for my family.

Tonight it seems as if everyone has the same idea. The normally quiet back porch is filled with laughs and chatter from many of the other back yards near us. That’s a pretty wonderful sound…..people enjoying each other’s company. I just wish the neighbor across the field didn’t have that spotlight pointing right at my house!!

But all and all it has been a great night. Steph’s boyfriend was over for dinner, Ben played hard and then went to bed, Amanda and Scott went to the Wal-Mart to get a few things, and Steph is now in the living room playing her guitar. Oh no, I spoke too soon, everyone is now home and Steph is out on the porch (with the guitar and with Amanda) and the tranquillity factor is now down to zero. And my complaints have been met by deaf ears.

So sign off I must. Even the cat has had enough. I will still be available for them, but after the concert and the potting of plants that is accompanying it!! Off to my room to work on my sermon!

I hope you have had a blessed day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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