Sorry…..just trying to catch up with my mind…….

This weekend has flown by, and a big part of my not posting has been the amount of activity. It is not that I cannot do a lot or handle a lot, it’s that when a lot of big things happen all at once I often find myself lost in the details……such has been the case this weekend.

We began the weekend with a trip to Goshen, Indiana to visit my grandma. She just turned 93 in April and we had not seen her since before lacrosse season started. I was looking forward to our trip. I was driving us through the country to get there. It was a wonderful drive and very relaxing.

Unfortunately, just south of Wabash, Ben coughed and then choked and then threw up all over himself (and his only outfit). He wasn’t sick, he just gagged. But what was up till then a pleasant trip turned sour, as did the smell of the car. Soon we were all out of the car, stripping him down, and trying to clean up the best we could. The 20 minute trip to the Wal-Mart seemed endless, but we made it, and got him a new outfit, lots of Febreze, and continued on. The car never did smell comfortable, but we got there, and had a great time with my grandma. It was a blast.

From there we headed towards Muncie, where my cousin Chrissy had just graduated from high school. It was a great time in Muncie. My other two cousins had brand new baby girls there and we enjoyed ourselves a great deal.

The hardest part of the day was between Goshen and Muncie when I received a call from Ohio informing me that an old friend, Father Bill Knapp had died that morning. Bill and I both served as Rectors of the same Church, St. Andrew’s in Barberton, Ohio. I was there for 8 years, but he had been there for over 20. There had been a priest who served in between us too.

I knew that Bill was old, and that he had been in poor health, but it still was something that saddened me. Bill was one of the good guys, a real straight shooter, and a real inspiration to me. We both told jokes all the time, but his were always bad….they were groaners, and something I was sure was intentional. It was kind of his trademark. Heaven had to wait a long time for him, but he was worth it. I am just thankful he is finally reunited with his wife Mimi who he missed so much.

Yesterday, quite frankly I have little memory of at all, other than I know I worked in our churches in the north. Scotty went to the 500 with my dad, and I know he and I watched the replay when he got home (it’s coming back to me!)

And today, the rain prevented a trip to the zoo, though we did try. This afternoon the kids had a few friends over for a barbecue, but now they are heading to study since this will be their last week of school.

As for me, I am fried. I have been on overload, and for some reason just unable to catch up. I am still at it though, and with this blog out of the way I can sit back and try and relax. Let’s just pray my mind decides to show up here sometime soon.

I hope you had a great holiday weekend.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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