Way to go Scotty!

Hallelujah…tonight Scotty finally took his BMV driving final. He passed with flying colors. Now all he needs to do is turn 16 and one month and pass the written test…..THEN and ONLY THEN does he get the keys to the Volvo. July 16th is D-Day and he can hardly wait.

Getting your license is of course a big thing. It certainly doesn’t mean complete freedom, but it is quite a bit more. For me it means no longer having to drop off and pick up perhaps the busiest kid in North America, but in truth I will miss it. Scotty and I have always been tight and to be honest I have enjoyed this last year with him driving me all around on his permit. It’s not that I need a driver, I am just proud of him and enjoy his company….and he enjoys mine. He doesn’t enjoy it enough to forgo his license and just continue driving me around, but he is a kid who clearly appreciates all the time we have given him. He is a great driver and a great kid, and he is a great son too.

Anyway, enough of the bragging. I am finishing this early with the hopes of an early bedtime.

I hope you have had a blessed day! God Bless you!


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