32 and 364 days….but let’s celebrate anyway!

Though it is technically tomorrow, we celebrated Amanda’s 33rd birthday tonight. The kids and I secretly met to detail her car, and we bought her a few presents, the ever popular ice cream cake, and took her to dinner. She chose “The Mellow Mushroom” which though it has good food has walls painted with disturbing murals from the 60’s and 70’s. I would have been much happier someplace else, but the rule is that on your birthday you pick. June 19th is coming…..it will not be anything 60’s at all.

Tomorrow will be a busy day. I will head to Ohio to speak at the funeral of my good friend Father Bill Knapp. I have met many knights on my journey through life, and Bill was among them. There is no higher honor than to speak at his funeral and continue his work. I miss him.

Amanda and the kids will probably go out again, but to someplace that I cannot eat. They have a list of places they go when I am out of town, and all of them include things I am allergic to. They were probably excited to go out tonight knowing tomorrow would be anther opportunity! But they should go out tomorrow. A birthday is a big thing, and they ought to be celebrating it.

Anyway, I am off to bed. Tomorrow is a busy day.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in!


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