Happy Birthday Honey…….across the miles…..

Well I am typing this in my hotel room tonight in Akron, Ohio. The funeral was wonderful, and perhaps the most amazing witness to the life and ministry of any Christian I have ever known. Bill would have been proud. He planned this service out in1995, and it was marvelous. I was blessed to be his friend, and it was no more evident than it was tonight.

As I prepared to leave the Church tonight Bill’s daughter Liz presented me with Bill’s Chasuble which was not only quite beautiful, but one of the most treasured vestments he owned. What an unbelievable honor! I was so very touched. Bill had already given me so much in my life, and now after his death he was giving more. I will wear it in all our missions with pride.

I also got to see many old friends. I was so happy to see them too. It was a pretty good night.I did however miss out on Amanda’s birthday evening as well as Steph and Scott’s last day of school. They are officially a Senior and a Junior respectively. And they celebrated all of it tonight together.

My room is nice and cool, it is late, and I have a meeting first thing in the morning so it is off to bed for me!

Goodnight from the Buckeye State my friends and God Bless.


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