Moving toward faith in struggles….

I am certainly tell the times I am having trouble…..particularly by looking at how I am keeping up to date with my blog posts. My apologies for being a bit of a forgetful goober over the weekend. It was quite busy and I was quite stressed. I am just glad to remember today.

I really feel the need to talk about how I see my faith in all of this, because often during struggles people move away from their faith rather than toward it. I certainly understand the concept of struggle. And I certainly do question why a guy in great health and living a great life would have to endure such things, but to be honest, if anything, my faith is stronger than it was before. In fact, I believe these struggles to be a gift, and a gift I would not want to return.

Sure there are things I want to be different. I hate how hard it is for my family at times with my forgetfulness or my sudden needs to sleep. I hate how short my fuse can become, or what a challenge keeping myself together can often be.

But in the end, I have learned and am learning more about important things such as patience, allowing others to help me, and most importantly the fact that this has not just happened to me….it belongs to my whole family. I may struggle with symptoms, but they struggle with me. Saints that they are, they have yet to push me off a cliff too! (Sorry for the idea honey!) But I do notice, and I do appreciate it. It is an unexpected blessing to have the opportunity to see how I am loved in this way.

I really have become a lot more than I was before and for that I am thankful. God has blessed me, not with struggles, but with new vision. And I intend to continue to use it!

Anyway, once again, please accept my apologies.

God Bless…


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