Just a good day!

It is pretty warm tonight out on the back porch, but there is a nice breeze. Steph spent the day at King’s Island, Scott had summer school (taking 11th grade composition early) and Ben and I had a nice day together. It was all and all a good day.

All I have left to do tonight is this blog and to let all the dogs out. They like being out at any time, but the cool air I am certain is more enjoyable than the heat they had to endure this afternoon. They chased each other like maniacs in between drinks, but they eyed the sprinkler and were a bit miffed I hadn’t turned it on for them….maybe tomorrow.

Ben however was successful at getting me to turn it on for him. It was his first experience with one too. Needless to say HE LOVED IT, and I loved it too. It is such a blessing to see him laugh, and laugh he did! We will try it again tomorrow too.

But to get to tomorrow I must call it a day. It has been a long one, and I am glad it is over. I hope yours was as blessed as mine!

Goodnight and God Bless.


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