A wonderful banquet….

Tonight we celebrated our season’s end with a lacrosse banquet with the entire club, the men’s and women’s teams together. It was wonderful event filled with joy and plenty of laughter. It is such a great group of people who make lacrosse here in Noblesville such an enjoyable thing to be a part of.

Scott was one of the younger players on the men’s team, but got a certificate for completing the year. Steph was awarded the Most Valuable Player award on the women’s team for the second year in a row. We said goodbye to six seniors, all of whom will be sorely missed. It is always a bittersweet moment, as they graduate a team you really love to coach will never be the same again.

Of course next year we will welcome a new group of players that will make the team what it will be then, and the cycle repeats itself. But it is still hard to see these seniors go. This was an exceptional group of kids.

Anyway, it’s late and I am at home and on the back porch, thinking about it all. I was not able to get all the things I needed to do done today, so tomorrow is looking to be backed up already. But as for today, it has been a good one.

I hope yours has been good as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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