Ready for the morning……

It’s Saturday and 10:30 and just about 65 out here on the porch. I am now all already for work tomorrow, and only need to write this blog before heading to bed. It’s a good thing too…..I do not think I have a whole lot more in me.

Tomorrow will be a busy and stressful day. I will be in both Westfield and Greenfield tomorrow, and then have a meeting in the late afternoon. It is not going to be an easy day, for me or Deacons Dan and PT, but I do ask for your prayers. I will write more about it tomorrow, but for now I need to try and get some rest. I am uncharacteristically sharp tonight and I need it tomorrow for sure. Perhaps a good night’s rest will be just what the doctor ordered!

Anyway, thanks for checking in. It has been a beautiful day. I hope tomorrow is as well!

God Bless.


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