Hoping to catch up…….

A lot of things I have been needing to get behind me are now there, and over the next two weeks I hope to catch up with everything I need to. It is quite a tall order, but it will get done I assure you. I turn 48 in less than two weeks, and it is my goal to be caught up by then.

I also need to redirect my life in terms of my health. I feel like a slug much of the time. I struggle with losing weight, and though I know part of it is the medicine I am on, the truth is that it is unlikely that I will ever be off it. I need to make some adjustments so my health doesn’t overtake me!!

Tonight Scotty and I put together a porch swing that I bought for all of us to relax on. I thought it would be a good way to cut some stress and a fun way to hang out as a family. I am sure it will be. I was on it a bit tonight.

Anyway, I am in bed with Ben between Amanda and I because either Scotty or I woke him up when Amanda was checking on him in his crib. It really doesn’t matter who woke him up, we were both in trouble. But he came in and went right to bed like a little angel. Thank God! It make her smile and she coasted off too…..no one is in trouble anymore!

So off to bed for me as well. Keep me in your prayers. I need some help getting my body to move in the right direction. A good night’s sleep will be my start!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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