A day of progress………..

I got a lot done today, but more than anything, I was able to walk 6 miles pushing Ben’s stroller. We went to a park in town called “Potter’s Bridge” which runs right next to the river and has the path covered mostly by trees. It is a beautiful and restful place.

Ben and I enjoyed it too. Ben talked constantly for approximately 5.75 miles before conking out. He did stop to take a drink here and there, but for the most part he was a jabber box. The whole walk was significant though, especially since I really needed to get out and get back to exercising. Walking six miles is really no big thing I suppose, but for me it was monumental. I hope to do six more tomorrow.

But now I am out with Scotty on the porch getting ready to check his homework. After that, I hope to sit on the porch swing for a while and relax. It has been a busy, but productive day! Maybe tomorrow that scale upstairs will reflect a 20 pound loss. (I can dream!)

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in!


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