A rainout!!

As much as we intended to do another 6 miles today, the rain prevented it. I didn’t even know it was going to rain either! So the day was indoors, and that was not good for me. I not only missed the walk, but had lots of opportunities to not do myself any favors at home with food. We then went downtown (Indy) to have dinner with some friends at an Italian restaurant. They were going to see “Wicked” with Amanda, so the kids and I joined them for some food!

I am pretty sure I do not need to eat again until December. It was wonderful, but we all ate too much. And if that were not enough, we stopped by my dad’s on the way home (after all Amanda was at a play) and they were doing a Dairy Queen run shortly after we arrived. I ended up not just screwing up yesterday, but perhaps all of June!

Anyway the kids and I are home and we have yet to hear from Amanda, but expect to soon. I am up in my bed trying to convince Ben that he has talked enough today, but he appears to have a lot more to say. I am just happy he is in his pj’s and home. Sleep will come, but not quite yet.

My schedule has been thrown on its head with Ben this past week, but we have someone watching him tomorrow so I can hold a clergy meeting and get to the hospitals. Our regular sitter will be available on Monday and things for me can get back to normal.

But for now I am going to tickle attack this little jackrabbit who keeps poking me in the head and laughing. I am done for the day and he and I can get a few laughs in still before bed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in!


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