Time getting away from me……

Though things have been exceptionally busy these last few days, I was surprised to see that I had no entries yesterday or the day before. I really have done well, but now have decided to go back to the written lists and calendar, at least for a while. It is a more structured way of going through my day, but one that has proven its worth in the past. It will begin this afternoon.

I also need to catch up on things like my yard and a few things around the house too. I like mowing though, and the projects I have at home are ones that I will enjoy doing too. It looks like rain, so the yard may be out today, but the other projects are inside. The puppy is large enough to take down his whelping box, and then the “dog room” can be remodeled into a usable space. I am aware that Ben is asleep for his nap though, and all that noise might wake him. AND, the idea of a nap is pretty alluring.

With that however, I will move towards something more productive. I apologize for my lull in keeping up, but hopefully the next few days will see me getting back on top of my game.

God Bless, and thanks for checking in.


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