A better day…

I HAVE my planner with me, and though I didn’t write anything in it (I still used the electronic ones on my computer and phone) I had a very productive day. It may have been psychological, I do not know, but in truth nor do I care. The day went well by having it with me. I still need to find a plan that works all the time, and though I am not certain, it may involve a combination of both.

I only had one service today, and it was in Nashville. Deacons PT and Tony covered Westfield and Anderson. Deacon Dan was the busiest. He was with me in Nashville and then went up to Riverwalk in Noblesville for our Sunday service there. From there he went to Greenfield and had a prayer service with a group of people there. I talked with him tonight and he sounded pretty tired. I am just glad we all made it back to our respective homes and can get a good night’s sleep. (I want to point out I made it to mine without having to write it down too!)

I really do love to do what I do, and I feel so extremely blessed to be able to do it among the people I do, and with the staff the Lord has provided me. I just have the feeling that we are being called to something far larger than what we are doing now. I feel we are ready! We all (the staff) seem to have a renewed sense of purpose. Keep praying that God will reveal the next steps very soon!

Anyway, it is time for me to call this a day. Thanks for checking in.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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