Of cats, birthdays and distractions………

I read the comics every morning, and I always enjoy this time of year in particular, in that Garfield the Cat and I share the same birthday (this Friday) and his strip is always about how old he is getting to be, on this, the week before our birthday each year. Of course Garfield is not only imaginary, but also tons younger than I am. He still complains though. He is totally self-absorbed…..a real cat indeed.

But where Garfield hates Mondays, I love them. Where he likes to eat fish, I am allergic. He is a friend of mice in his house, whereas I consider them unwelcome house guests. We both love naps, both are from Indiana, and lasagna is a favorite of us both. That is why I suppose we are both overweight too!

On a side note, I was just interrupted from writing this and lost my train of thought as to where I was going. I heard a screech and load crash while out here on the porch and went immediately to see what it was. A young man lost control of his car about a block away and went up into a lawn and hit a house! Everyone was okay, thank God, but the car and the house are in need of help. He said he lost control of the car, but from the looks of it, it seemed more than that. It is our neighborhood after all, and he went across a good sized lawn and driveway. It will be interesting to see how this all turns out!

But as for me, I am back on the porch now with my real Indiana cat and getting ready to call it a day. It has been a long one too.

So goodnight to you my friends and God Bless. I think in Garfield style Puddy and I will take a nap before we go to bed!


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