Happy Birthday Scotty……

Yep, today Scott turned 16! It was an exciting day for all of us too. He had school in the morning, and work in the afternoon, but tonight he, Ben, Amanda and I went out to dinner to celebrate. (Stephanie had to work)

We went to Red Robin, which was Scott’s choice, and watched Ben who was so pleasant in the car, throw just about everything he could get his hands on onto the floor. Scotty and I entertained him the best we could, but apparently only “Red” himself could get Ben’s attention tonight. After the bird and his friends sang that embarrassing birthday song, Scotty and his brother shared the birthday Sunday. Don’t worry, Scotty wasn’t too worried, after all Ben has a birthday to share with him in two weeks.

At home we sang and had cake and gave Scott his presents. Ben gave him a wiring harness, and good thing too. It was just what he needed to go with the new radio he needed for his car. That old Volvo has been waiting for him for about a year. He now just has to wait 30 more days. He however didn’t wait 5 minutes before heading out with me to install it. He was elated. I am guessing he will be sleeping in the car for the next few years!

Anyway, 16, 17, and almost 2…….thank God I am delusional, otherwise I would be pretty scared! They are all great kids, and today was a great day.

Happy Birthday Scotty. I am so very proud of you!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in.


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