Working on recovering……..

I know I posted that Tuesday that it was a manic day, but today has been another.

We received word that my harddrive had experienced a catastrophic MECHANICAL FAILURE, and this was from the people at DiscSavers in California, the very top of the pinnicale in terms of data recovery.  They could recover NOTHING and now it was up to Mozy and what I had done on my own to see us through all this.  It is a MAJOR disappointment and detour, but one we have no choice other than to take.  We have lost some pictures and videos for certain, and I paid Mozy a fee to recover all that they can and send it to me directly.  We will see.  I have recovered a lot that I had in other locations.

BUT nonetheless, it has been a tragic disappointment and one that we had worked hard to prevent.  We pay Mozy every month to back up my computer DAILY.  Why I haven’t been able to recover what I need online is both frustrating and scary.  And what I would ask is that if anyone reading this has pictures of our family of any kind, you would send them to us.

It has also been time consuming!  All my work files are on there too and without them I am often guessing.  SO you can imagine my mood……let’s just say that it is not “wonderful.”

BUT…..BUT….BUT…….I also received pictures from my dad of Stephanie in England, and Scotty is making great progress towards California.  As a matter of fact he just texted me and told me he was in New Mexico and there safe and for the night.  Tomorrow he will head to Phoenix and then to Camp Pendleton on Saturday where he needs to report before midnight.  That made me feel pretty great.  PLUS, I actually got SOME OF THIS INFORMATION DIRECTLY.  (I normally get it through Amanda)

But here’s the big revelation.  Amanda and Kenzie went to get “my boyfriend (Kenzie’s) has headed back to the Marines” pedicures tonight and Ben and I then joined them for dinner.  And it was while we were eating that I realized that she (Kenzie) will be another way for me to hear from Scotty!  As a matter of fact I learned a lot about his day just by sitting with them both!  Awesome!!

But as we ate I realized we would all rather have him here.  So dinner was just part of our recovery I guess.  They would probably say their pedicures were as well, but stuff like that is for girls.  I was just glad to hang out and have a bit of fun in a time when my life really is stressful.  And we didn’t talk too much about the big pink elephant in the room………after all, ours is now resting comfortably somewhere in New Mexico.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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