Happy Father’s Day

Today, although Father’s Day, was a work day as well. I was so tired when I came home, but was delighted to be greeted with a wonderful Chicken Marsala dinner the kids and Amanda prepared!! I was also given a card and some gifts. It was a nice time, that is for sure.

But with all the happenings, I got a bit confused. I tried laying down to get my mind back, but I never did fee right all day. I had a pretty hefty headache, but didn’t tell anyone. I just wanted us all to have a good day.

For almost the entire evening I helped Scott finalize his paper for 11th grade English Composition which is due tomorrow. He has an exam too. But I was so tied up in it all that I forgot the most important part of the day……I wanted to call my dad. It is something that I will have to do tomorrow. But I do not think I have ever missed. Things like this crash me and upset me very much. It is hard keeping my head on straight when I get frustrated by my brain. It is not as if I didn’t know what day it was.

Anyway, I hope you had a great day. Mine was god, but for obvious reasons could have been a lot better! Just pray I recover!!

So goodnight and God Bless. And Happy Father’s Day to all fathers…..sorry dad, I will talk with you tomorrow!


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