A prayer request for our friends…….

Tonight I visited with some dear friends who are going through the tragedy of a lifetime. Our friends Melanie and Kyle, whom I married (I believe last summer), lost their baby today. Cora Capri was delivered today just a few weeks short of her due date, but sadly she did not survive.

Obviously Mel and Kyle are devastated. They both were so excited to be parents for the first time, and they had done everything right. They have been exemplary parents. But sadly there were complications, and little Cora returned to the Lord before she ever had a chance.

I saw her in the room tonight with her parents…….she was such a beautiful little girl. She was truly blessed to have such loving and caring parents.

It is in times like these that we need our faith more than ever. These times are the hardest part of my job, but yet in my mind some of the most important. We may never know why things like this sometimes happen. They are painful, even for me, yet I cannot even begin to imagine what they are like for parents. But in faith, thanks be to God, they are not the end of the story! We will see Cora again, and I am so very thankful for that. For the Lord Himself holds her now in His arms and weeps with us……He has welcomed her home. And one day He will welcome us there with her.

I am heartbroken for Mel and Kyle, but I am so glad they are believers because that can be of comfort to them. But as people of faith I ask that you please hold them in your prayers. The Lord will bring them through this, and I rejoice in the fact that one day they will hold their dear Cora again.

Heavenly Father, we pray to You this day for Mel and Kyle and we ask you to hold them in your hands. We thank you for their love and care for their daughter Cora, and for their steadfast devotion to each other. Be with them as they walk this hard road. Guide them as seek direction, hold them up when they stumble, give them faith when they doubt, comfort them in their pain, and bring them closer to you. And may Cora’s soul, and the souls of all the departed, through Your mercy, rest in peace. Amen.

I appreciate your prayers for them.


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