Let’s just forget about Wednesday……..

Wednesday was a bust. Not that i didn’t enjoy it or get a lot done, I did. But I did so very much that I didn’t have time to sign online at all.

I began the day with a meeting south of Indianapolis….it was a 45 minutes drive. I had already taken Scott to school, and did the meeting and a shopping trip before heading back up to Noblesville High School to pick him up again. I then went to meet with the postmaster in Westfield about our mail, and got home for a short break about 2. I then got Scott to his work at 2:40!

Of course we needed to go pick up Amanda’s mom at the airport who was coming in for Ben’s birthday. Traffic was STOPPED on 465 so it was a LONG TRIP. We did manage to get her and and get her back to the house. It was just in time to leave to get Scott from work, and then drop him off so I could go to a premarital in Anderson (another 45 minute drive) at 8:30. It was fun, but it got me home again at 10:30. Whew, huh?

After doing all my stuff I needed to do at home, I did lay down for a few minutes, and I say a few minutes because Steph and I left for the airport again at 12:30 to pick up Amanda’s sister and daughter. We did manage to get home and to bed by 2:35, and it was a good thing too…..because I was up at 6 to get ready to take Scott back to school….which I did. (I picked him up at 12:30 and dropped him at work again today too).

So let’s just forget about Wednesday. It’s over and as you can see, I barely remember it anyhow. Everyone is here and we are having a blast. And I don’t have any more driving on my schedule until Sunday!

Thanks for checking in and God Bless!


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