
Tonight me, and as much as I can guess about 100+ of my good friends, gathered at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church to celebrate (a surprise party) my 20 year anniversary of ordained ministry. It was a great time, filled with joy, blessings and laughter. It has been an honor to walk among such wonderful people.

It was also my biggest challenge since my stroke. I really do struggle speaking extemporaneously, but I seemed to do fine. I suppose that assessment may be the product of my mind, but the important part was that I didn’t feel I did all that bad, all things considered. My only regret was not having the time to talk with everyone. It was quite a crowd.

Anyway, I am currently trying to type in bed because I am exhausted and Ben is with me driving his car around my laptop. It is an unusual way to do it, but it is my life.

It has been a long but blessed day! God Bless you and thanks for checking in.


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