A day gone by……

I woke up into a busy day. I went to meet my favorite Family Life Missionary Mike Constantine (okay, he is the only one I really know, but even if I did know more he would be my favorite). Mike came up from Little Rock, Arkansas to be at the celebration of my ordination anniversary last night. It was so great to see him. We had breakfast, and said our good-byes. He will be back in October when we hope to have him speaking at our churches about Family Life’s ever so important ministry.

We also celebrated Ben’s family birthday party today, though he won’t be 2 until Tuesday. He didn’t seem to mind, unlike his mom who holds out on the younger age until the very last second, and then some. We had a good time and of course more cake. I now weigh about 450, but I have had a wonderful time getting there. There are no more birthdays for quite some time though, so I should have a cake-free diet back to my optimal weight.

But tonight is the last night we are all here, so I am off to watch Transformers (1) with my kids and sister-in-law. They swear it is good, so I will give it a go.

I did however want to post this first. Family and friends are important, and God made them all. I am happy to enjoy them, and blessed by their presence in my life!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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