Evildoers beware…………

I didn’t post last night, not for poor intentions, but rather because I was fuming mad and in no condition to do anything productive.  Our basement, which we have paid to have professionally waterproofed is STILL LEAKING and a mess.  And the company (Everdry of Northern Indiana, whom I would not recommend to ANYONE at this point) was SUPPOSED to come out and not repair, but FINISH the job we paid for.  I had to harp them to get them to agree to come then, and they NEVER EVEN CALLED, let alone COME TO MY HOUSE.  And that is despite my calling them and having them tell me that they were still on their way.  It is an AWFUL MESS….just like our basement which they have destroyed.

So anyway, I waited for them all day today too, as they work on Saturdays……but NO, they didn’t show….but with that, I had to miss the belt testing at Taekwondo.  And this stupid company is also why I was not testing myself today too.

Yes, today I missed it, but Ben and Amanda have now both moved beyond me.  Ben is now a white with yellow stripe belt and Amanda is a yellow belt.  AND, I am very proud of them both.  I am pretty sure, even with their high level of skills, that they are not the right people I can get to deal with Everdry, but I will say that if we are ever broken into at least I have them and that sleepy dog to defend me.

But the day is done and I do have this great picture to share and the boards that Amanda and Ben broke at their testing signed by all the black belts.  I will test next time…….that is if I do not drown in my basement first.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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