Taking a licking, but still keeps ticking………

My visit to the cardiologist today went well, and I am heading into a few more tests over these next few weeks. I told him my ultimate goal was to rid myself of doctors and medicine and tests. And though that may be a bit overly optimistic, at least in my mind it is a goal.

Last night the youngest of our adult dogs was placed in a home. Ginger, who is just three, (AngelCreek’s I am not Mary Ann) went to live just down the street with my fraternity brother and his family. They have four kids and have always wanted a dog. Ginger is so very sweet and loves the kids dearly. I saw her earlier this afternoon. She was loving all the attention!

We still have Cookie now to place (AngelCreek’s Best of the Batch). Cookie is a year older than Ginger and was the dog that had the emergency spay a couple of months ago. Neither of them can be shown anymore, but the puppy will be. We thought it would be a wonderful gift to them to forgo any more of living in the “herd” and live in one dog family homes. We were told that Ginger slept with one of the kids last night. I am sure she loved that more than sleeping with other Goldens!

So tonight the yet to be named puppy, the cat, and I are out on the porch typing. The puppy is into everything and the cat is giving him the evil cat eye. But soon his obnoxious little self will be not into anything other than pleasing the judges. From the looks of it tonight he has a LONG ROAD ahead. In time however, he will do just fine…..that is as long as there are no cats judging. But he, like all of our dogs, ……okay no prophetic praising words will be written tonight, he just about knocked over Amanda’s plant (to eat of course, it was no accident).

Anyway, off to supervise I go. And the best supervision I can think of that I will be successful at is to put him back in with his mom!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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