Happy Independence Day

I love birthdays, especially when they aren’t mine, and today is a big on! 233 years ago, our great country was born, as brave men stepped forward and said no more to oppression and tyranny.

Independence Day is often celebrated with family, friends, barbecues, fireworks, etc…….but I believe a lot of its importance is missed in being declared another holiday or day off work, or a chance to get together to eat and drink. It is so much deeper than that!

When our Founding Fathers stepped forward they were intent on righting wrongs, professing freedom, and giving all an opportunity to be who it was God was calling them to be. God’s Hand was strong upon their hearts, and He blessed them so that they not only established their freedom, but they gave birth to the greatest country this world has ever known, a beacon for freedom for all to see.

As you gather today to enjoy the holiday please keep this in mind. Great Americans have gone before us, and our call is to be the great Americans in our day. It wasn’t easy then and it is not easy now, but with God’s Help and His Blessing there will be many more celebrations and great days ahead.

God Bless you my friends on this most important day for our country, and God Bless the United States of America!


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