A day of realization and acceptance…..

I took a little mental health break today and managed to convince Scott that a bike ride would be in order. We left from our house at around 2 and rode all the way to Broadripple and back….a total of 37 miles. It was quite a feat, especially at my age, but considering that I am having a cardiac stress test on Thursday, I was glad to see I could I could make it. I figure if I didn’t keel over on this trip, I would have a chance of passing in a few days!

In truth I did fine, BUT what I want to confess is that I could see a BIG difference between a 48 year old man and a 16 year old boy. Scott, despite riding a bike that was 21 years old and heavy, far and away pulled away from me time and time again. Sure I acted cool like I was fine, but I was just in awe at how he seemed to effortlessly out pace me. It reminded me that men really are in their best shape between 16 and 18. I saw that I am just a little bit beyond that.

I was able to see a clear transition in our relationship that I remembered with my dad. When I was young, he was Superman. There wasn’t anything he couldn’t do, and not a thing I could do better than him. But at a point, I realized I could out do him. I suddenly could beat him at a few sports, and could do a few things better than him too. Today was that realization for me. My son is a younger and clearly has it going on more than I do! I spent most of our ride following (and clutching my chest and checking to see if I was still breathing). He just kept on moving ahead.

But all in all it was GREAT DAY for me. I got a lot of work done and then had a great time with Scott. There are many monumental days in a man’s life and today was one for me. My son is taking the lead, and I am proud of him. He gets his driver’s license in 11 days and is turning into a fine young man. I am no longer Superman to him, but to Ben……I still have him fooled!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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