In retrospect………times two

In retrospect, a 37 mile bike ride was probably a mistake. Yesterday it seemed such a great idea to keep on riding, but when I woke up this morning (very early) certain I was paralyzed from the waist down, I suddenly had thoughts of regret. Sure, Scott probably was impressed that his old man could do 37 miles on a bike, but what about today? I was certain to get a good ribbing about how much I had aged overnight. Coming downstairs expecting the worse, I was comforted to see him on the couch waiting for me……not smiling but rubbing his legs and complaining. I did try to act like I was fine and doing better than he was, but my screams with each step probably gave me away.

And, in retrospect, the fish that Scott and I bought for Ben was probably a mistake as well. He was having a meltdown in the Meijer (Ben) and Scott pulled him up to the fish tanks that mesmerized him (Ben again). The little red beta we got him was on sale, as was his almost “maintenance free” tank, and we got everything for about 10 dollars. And everything was right. Had Ben not acted like he loved that fish in front of his mom when we put him in his new bowl (the fish), I am sure I would not be here to blog.

Anyway, I am here and apparently have survived the day, but I intend to lay low tomorrow. There needs to be time for healing.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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