One of those days…….

It has been one of those days. I swear I thought I started this post a couple of hours ago, but by the time I sat back down to continue there was nothing there, nor do I have any memory of what I was typing! Thank God I am not your doctor! I suppose I will have to start again….that is, if I ever started at all.

Tomorrow we will head to Kokomo to hold a formation meeting about planting a church there. We are excited about the prospect. Kokomo is a pretty big city, but heavily reliant upon the auto industry. It is struggling. We do not intend to plant a financially prosperous cathedral there, but instead a place where people can draw closer to God. It is an important mission for us, and we believe God’s Hand is upon it. Please keep it in your prayers.

Of course to get there I am going to have to not die during my cardiac stress test in the morning. It will be my second. I had one in 1991 after they thought I might have had a heart attack between services. I didn’t, but since my test was two weeks after that with the cardiologist I decided to train for it. I was up to 5 miles a day by the time I got on the treadmill. In 1991 however I was 30. I am 48 now, a lot heavier, and I had pizza today in lieu of training. I am anticipating not doing as well. BUT, I am also anticipating I will do fine.

Keep me though in your prayers. If I really had my life together I wouldn’t be a life-long Cubs fan and would never see the doctor. I am sure I will do fine. I figure the Lord will get a good 90 years out of me, and I will work most of the day tomorrow. After all, why give me the day off?

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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