Thursday, where art thou????

It is rare these days, but yesterday I didn’t post. I did well on my cardiac stress test, but it clearly wiped me out. I then had a formation meeting for a church we hope to plant in Kokomo, and I did the whole thing while having chest pains that developed mid-afternoon. Of course being a guy I expected them to go away, and as they were still there this morning I put in a call to my cardiologist’s office. They confirmed that I had done well, and said that it was doubtful it was my heart since that is a pretty thorough test, and heart pain is generally not constant. There went my plan for taking a few weeks off with three meals a day in the Heart Hospital. It looks like I will be mowing the lawn tomorrow after all. The pain is still there, but I am confident it is not my heart. If it is still there tomorrow I will seek out some further advice.

The formation meeting in Kokomo went more than well in my humble opinion. It was a good-sized group and they seemed very receptive and positive about what we do as a church and where we are going. It was very encouraging. I love the city of Kokomo, and my family and I are frequent visitors due to the fact the the closest Sonic Drive In is there and my wife is an addict (really, she needs to get treatment) BUT, it will be meaningful to us to be going up there for a more noble reason…a MUCH MORE noble reason in fact. We have not worked out all the details, but we just may launch up there in September. It is SO exciting and SO encouraging.

Anyway, my heart is still ticking and I am now on the porch, not with the cat but with the puppy working on my sermon. God willing, I intend to post tomorrow. Life is busy, but good. Keep me in your prayers. I am still working on juggling a few balls.

Goodnight and God Bless.


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