In court all day long………

Today has been downright amazing, and a big part of that reason is that I have spent most of my day with Ben. He has talked non-stop, other than when he was napping, but if he could figure out how to talk then I am sure he would.

What is funny about him is that he has always seemed to talk in sentences although it always has come out as babble. It has never bother him. He talks to you as if you understand him. He uses inflection, different facial expressions, and doesn’t seem to repeat. But now that he is adding actual words it makes you wonder if he hasn’t understood the whole time. He is out here with me on the back porch as I type, and he is, as I say, “holding court.” He pulled up the chair next to me and talked to me as if we had met for coffee just to do so. It is important time for the both of us…..after all I also have two teenagers and not understanding my kids is something I do quite well!

That really is not true. I have a great relationship with all three of them and would sit out here and talk to any of them at anytime. I know all three of them don’t think I know as much as they do, but I am always willing to humor them because ultimately as a man of faith I have confidence that God will pay them back one day with children of their own…….children who will be perfect, children who will think I know everything, and children who already have their grandfather’s love years before they are even born!!

But for now I must sign off and finish my sermon for tomorrow. It will be a busy day, but I am looking forward to it. Life is good, and I am truly blessed. I am expecting tomorrow to reinforce that. It should be a wonderful day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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