A glimpse of the world to come…..

Today Amanda and I dropped Stephanie off at a week-long camp at Purdue University for top engineering prospects. It was just another exercise in preparation for me. Yep, I dropped my 17 year old daughter off at college and I left. It killed me, but it was good practice. The real date is just a year away. She is considering Purdue too…..60 miles would be good for me! But I am wondering if she is considering Hawaii. She is an amazing young woman, and it is wonderful to see her begin to focus upon what she intends to do. But her being away, and Scotty getting his driver’s license on Friday I expect will put me in the grave by the weekend. I am going to wait to write my sermon just in case too!

In all truth, I am proud of them both….AND, I expect I will live quite a bit longer to be tortured with anticipation as their parent. They are both wonderful kids and I cannot imagine doing better, but it doesn’t mean I do not worry about them! It is now 10:15 and Steph is in a dorm and NOT CALLING!!! Dear Lord I am going to have a rough week! BUT….we have raised her well and underneath all the worry, I do believe she is fine. I am excited to see what she will be doing and where she will go. And right after she figures it out we will do the same with Scott. It is a time of extreme transition, but we are happy for them both. We are blessed, and we are excited for them too!

Anyway, I best go to bed and try to get some sleep. It is going to be hard, but I expect to survive. These kids are going to keep my blood pressure up for years to come!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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