Time standing still………

Tomorrow is Scott’s last day of summer school. He has done well and will now be ahead as he enters his Junior year. He has been a real trooper too, waking up at 6:30 every morning. Fortunately for him there will be a few weeks of break left in order to sleep in. I know he is looking forward to it too.

And time for him is standing still I know. I know it seems like tomorrow has taken forever, but the real kicker is waiting for his driver’s license and that is Thursday. I can still remember that wait myself. The poor kid must be out of his mind by now. I am just glad we are finally getting somewhere. Of course now that school will be over I will not have to drive him every morning or pick him up. Funny how that works. My duty ends just in time for him to drive himself. I didn’t even get a day!!

But in truth, I am going to miss it. Scott and I have spent a lot of time driving together and it has always been a special time for me. I will have to fill the void with something else I guess. I doubt if it will be sleep….perhaps Ben will need some rides.

Anyway, the day is done and I am tired. Steph is surviving engineering camp, Scotty is working and Ben is sawing logs. With a little effort I may see my bed very soon.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. I hope you had a wonderful day.


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