Another minor roadblock……..

Though Scotty should get his license tomorrow, I feel terrible for him. Not only is time standing still (see prior blogs) but his mild sore throat that he has been fighting off turning into strep throat and it meant a doctor’s visit and some medication. For a kid who should be happy as all get out he sure looks miserable. After the doc’s Ben and I took him to Culver’s for something to eat while we were waiting on his prescriptions. Even the ice cream hurt.

It just cannot mess with his brain. He needs it tomorrow. Regardless of how he feels he says he is going to go take the test tomorrow. He already has passed the driving part. He just needs to take the written. But if he doesn’t do it tomorrow he will need to wait till next Tuesday. I am sure he will do fine. But I worry about how he will feel.

So say a prayer for the boy tomorrow…..for health and a good test. It is a big day and I can hardly wait. And I know he feels exactly the same.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in.


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