D-Day…okay, DL Day for sure!

Today was truly one of the best days of my life. Scotty, who has wanted to drive for as long as I can remember, passed his written test quite handily and received his driver’s license late this morning!

He certainly did not make it easy for me. We talked all the way up to the BMV (we go to a BMV in the county just north of us because it is never crowded and the people are ALWAYS delightful). I told him to take his time, to check and re-check, and not to panic. He was scared to death! It was something he has dreamed of and though he really didn’t need to worry, he put a lot of pressure on himself. (I asked, and apparently about 40% f the kids who take it fail it, and come back daily until they pass). Scotty wanted it this morning though. He went oer the test again and again and again….so much so that it panicked me! But in the end he missed just two. He then spent the day out and about in his car that he HATED when we told him it was his, but now that he LOVES. I mean what kid wouldn’t want a 2007 loaded Mustang??? No no no…he has a 1998 Volvo with 138k miles. Personally, I like it better than all our cars. He is in Volvo heaven right now!!

And I am happy for him, but with it my life has changed. I have spent his entire life driving him from place to place and I have to say I am going to miss it. From toddler age to 16, even if there is just he and I in the car, he starts his conversations with “Dad.” He is a great kid and a great driver. In a few weeks we will drive together again to a meeting I have in Washington DC. I am looking forward to it. He has two years left here before college, and Steph just the one. Ben has already snuck his way into our bed and I am convinced he will be with us forever!

But for now I am proud of Scotty and his big day. He deserves it. It has been a great day. I am heading to bed now to fight for space with Ben. He needs to give me room……otherwise he will be getting that same 1998 Volvo when he turns 16 in 2023.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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