She’s probably right, but let’s not tell her……

Okay I will admit that Amanda is sometimes right……sometimes when I travel I have trouble adjusting for a few days. Today was a great example. I couldn’t get to sleep last night and shortly after I did I woke up, at 4:30, and that was all she wrote. I was up for the rest of the day. I did manage two services and two sermons (without notes!) and then a bit of honey-do work at home.

But when Ben, Scott, and Amanda left for what they call “Veggie Pizza” (a gathering for youngsters to eat pizza and watch Veggietales movies) at St. Patrick’s, I laid down for a short nap. I needed to rest, but when I woke up just 30 minutes later I was perhaps more confused as I had ever been in my life. I had no idea if it was morning or night, no idea of where anyone was (since I was home alone), and actually for a short while quite fearful to not have any answers!

Of course when we are disoriented it takes some time to get our bearings, and after what seemed to be a long wait but in truth was probably only a minute or two, things started to come back and I realized that my wife was probably right again. I hate to admit to that, especially publicly, but my earlier confusion is most probably just begetting this additional confusion… public confession.

It’s now just shy of 10pm and I am feeling pretty sharp, so hopefully with a good night’s sleep I can level off tomorrow. I need to too. We have a lot going on, including a couple of new churches in the works. It is a busy, but vital time.

I do hope your Sunday has been blessed one! Off to bed for me!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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