White (piano) smoke and my kids bad rep…….

After tons of searching, we finally found the organ/piano we have been looking for to replace the one that was not working at St. Patrick’s. In this age of electronics you would have thought this search would have been easier, but it took a lot to find this. Of course the stand we attach it to has to come from someplace else, so we still do have a bit to wait, but hopefully by Friday morning everything will be done! Thanks to Scotty for all his help getting this finished.

All and all, it has been a pretty productive day. I still have a lot carrying over into tomorrow, but at least I am making some progress. There IS light at the end of the tunnel, and I am confident it is not a train!! With another day like today maybe I can get some rest and enjoy some time with my family tomorrow night.

This afternoon both Steph and Scott went out to do a couple of hours of volunteer work at a local shelter. The funny part was that when they arrived the woman at the desk asked them why they were there. Steph informed her that they were there to do some community service to which the woman replied, “Do you mind if I ask you what the charges were?” Scott said he thought about just listing off a few capitol crimes, but they instead told the boring truth……they need volunteer hours for school and college.

Anyway, my two wannabe convicts returned home and now have a great story. In truth, I am very blessed, and often surprised, by what great kids they are. They had a pretty interesting day.

But that’s it today for me my friends! Goodnight and God Bless.


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