Heading to the tic toc doc

Okay, tomorrow morning I head to the cardiologist for the reports on all my tests. This is why I don’t use the vet as my primary doc. I am afraid she will say, “Amanda, it’s time to put ol’ Tommy down.” But no, I am not expecting bad news. This will help decide if the hole they found in my heart last year when I had the stroke needs to be patched. If so, I suppose I am not done with doctors, but if not then I can work on other ways to give myself trouble.

Personally I am just wanting to get an answer. The worry of not knowing, which I have now carried for over a year is more bothersome than facing even having it fixed. They are not sure if that was a partial cause of the stroke or not, but if it is a danger, then best to have it fixed.

So anyway, please say a prayer in the morning for me. It will just be a meeting, the hard stuff is done. I am certain the future includes a change in diet, so just also pray I don’t break down in there as he shares I need to change a few things I enjoy!

But that’s it for me today! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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