My report…….

Well, the day went pretty well. I had an additional EKG, just to make sure. The doc did want me to go on some meds, which I declined, and instead I chose to broker a deal. I have three months in which to get my labs down to a suitable level via diet and exercise, or I will give into the meds.

In truth, my numbers are great, all except that I am a stroke patient. My weight is up, as is my bad cholesterol, but it is within the normal range had I not had a stroke. My blood pressure continues to be at a rock star level, and apparently I will not have the hole patched…at least not yet. Statistically it is more risky to have an additional stroke by repairing it. I will wait and get myself in gear.

With that, I am working on charting a course. I know I will make it, but I am going to begin on Sunday to post on here my progress and also on Twitter if I ever do figure it out. I have two accounts on there apparently and I need just the one. When I figure it out everything should be fine.

Anyway, I will let you know tomorrow. As for tonight, I am done…stick a fork in me!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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