On the edge of trouble……

Ben and I spent the night together having dinner, entertaining each other, and preparing for bed. It is now 11p, and we are simultaneously irritating his mom together (because he thinks we are still awake playing), although I am pretty sure she is not nearly as amused as we are! One or both of us may not survive until the morning!!

My hope and prayer however is that we all live, not just through the night, but for quite a long time beyond then too. After all we are men, and despite being told the rules, we are still bound to muck them up! As an example, our laughter tonight is only irritating to her…we are still very amused with ourselves!

But with that, we may need to just call it a night…..we are funny, but certainly not stupid! Laughter is great, but our intent is to live to laugh another day!

Keep smiling….I know we are! And goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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