Old enough, and without ID…….

I went to the Kroger tonight to buy a bottle of champagne to make a drink called a Peach Bolini for Amanda, and sure enough the cashier asked me if I was old enough to be buying that. Of course I told her I was but 22 short months away from my AARP card. She never did ask for my ID. I would like to think she was serious, but I suppose she was just kidding. Stephanie is just about 3 years from 21…..I on the other hand am miles from it. I will just take it as a compliment I suppose.

Of course in this day and age it is hard to tell any one’s age. Oh sure it is easy when they are Ben’s age (2), but as an example my lacrosse team consists of girls between 14 and 18, yet most look quite a bit older. Scott, who is now 16 and driving, looks so very young to me. Steph I WISH looked 10 or 12, but she looks in her 20’s too. It’s not my eyesight….and the reality is killing me.

But in the end, I suppose I can chalk it up to that “payback” my parents told me about when I was putting them through it. Yep, God often gives the troublemakers children of their own so that they can be scared too! My parents were scared for other reasons (all sealed in the court records…..yes, that is a joke) but I worry about mine all the time. I would like to take comfort in the fact that I still have my mind, but we all know that to not be true!

Anyway, the Peach Bolini is done and I hope she likes it….it it too sweet for me. I will just do a few things and head to bed. It has been a long day and tomorrow may be longer! I hope however, that yours was blessed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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