Busy with many blessings…….

Although this trip was meant to be mostly work (which it is), it has also become a surprising and wonderful time with Scott. We have both enjoyed it very much. In just a few short days we have attended many meetings and such associated with my job, and we have also been able to head to DC a few times for some sites! There were many highlights, but perhaps the one I was most impressed with was seeing the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights with my son. Even though I lived here for three years for grad school, for some reason I never went to see many of the sites. It was good to have the time to do them now….and after all, they are all free!

Tomorrow morning, after the legislative session, Scott and I will return to the hotel and pack the car for the long trip home. I am assuming it will seem even longer than it was getting here, but we are looking forward to it. We spoke to Ben tonight on the speakerphone, and I could tell we were all ready for some living room wrestling. Unfortunately that will take place Sunday when we are all together. We still have to wait.

But for now I will close this and head to sleep. It has been a long day and a long week. Even the bishop was beat tonight. Hopefully a good night’s sleep will leave us all “bright-eyed and bushy-tailed” as my grandma used to say.

So goodnight from Washington DC. My hope and prayer is that you have had a blessed day….I know I have!

Fr. Tom+

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