Home Sweet Home……

Okay…the last few days have been sporadic in terms of posting, but the traveling was a lot. I also found that certain developments led to my need to be at two of our services this morning to address our congregations. I will address the congregation in Nashville sometime this week or over the weekend if need be. That’s just a part of being a priest…sometimes things happen and plans change. My vacation day went goodbye, just like many others have before. It was however, good to be among such wonderful people.

Things here at home are getting back to normal. Ben was excited to see us, and Steph and Amanda seemed to be, though they clearly were much more enamored with the fudge and salt-water taffy we brought them. It was just good to be home. And though I am happy to be among such familiar surroundings, I will miss and always remember my adventure with Scott to DC. It was a great time for us both.

I have two more trips scheduled this year (so far), one to Texas and one to California but sadly, I will do them alone. One is a meeting of the Anglican 4th Day National Steering Committee at the end of this month, and the other is the consecration of my friend Doc Loomis as a bishop in September. Both will be short trips, but well worth it. I like to travel and particularly to fly. Thankfully both Texas and California are far enough away to dissuade me from even thinking about a drive!!

Anyway, I am back on the porch and back with the cat. I have missed being here. There truly is no place like home.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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