Of deacons, dogs, and boys……

I was able to speak to Deacon Conley this morning. He was finally able to get out, and God willing, he and I will meet tomorrow between Nashville and Indy for a couple of hours. It was great to hear his voice. We have been worried about he and his wife, and to know he was actually off his property and in cell range was wonderful. There is still a lot of work to do in Brown County to recover from the storm, but hearing his voice and getting a first hand report gave me great hope.

Dan does so much for others, we just wish there was more that we could do for him. I WILL buy his breakfast tomorrow, but it is a far cry from what he is worth. I mean seriously PT and I think he just might be worth two breakfasts. Deacon Tony was also on his way to Kokomo last night and his car broke down! It is amazing we were able to have any of us there! But God is still leading us and calling us to plant there. No wind, nor rain, or hail or storm will stop us. And since the post office is apparently cutting back, we might as well pick up there themes.

Anyway, I am thankful for a peaceful night and low worries. Ben and I are out on the deck with the puppy and are awaiting some of Steph’s friends to watch movies and stay the night. It should be a good night.

But as for me, I will have some Ben and puppy time. Ben is pretty fascinated with the gold-wonder and I can tell that they are quickly becoming partners in crime. I clearly need to keep and eye on them!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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