“It’s beginning to look a lot like LA-CROSSE, everywhere I go!!”

As many regular readers know, I am the lacrosse coach for the Noblesville Lady Millers Lacrosse Team. And even though school does not begin until next week, we gathered together incoming players (mostly freshmen) and interested young women, to talk about our program and assess their interest. It was a great meeting. We had a lot of girls there. Four of our seniors were named captains for next year too. It was a great time.

But this year is more intentional than any other. This is Steph’s senior year and yes, she is one of the four captains……we are calling them “The Four Horsemen.” They are four girls who have played together their whole careers and are ready to make a difference! They placed fourth in the state, and want to win it all this year. They have the talent….let’s just hope they have the drive. They will need both!

As a coach, it is exciting to see all the girls come out and consider playing. It always makes me wonder what will be. Last year we had only ONE freshman, so this year just ONE sophomore….but if any turn out like her LOOK OUT! It is going to be a great year.

But despite all the excitement, I am still middle-aged, and I still need to go to bed!! So I hope and pray your day was as wonderful and encouraging as mine!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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