Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated…..I am quite alive!

My lack of posting was certainly not intentional. We have been away all weekend to attend my 30th high school reunion in Mishawaka. Yep, I was a Mishawaka Caveman, although my friend Randy was the actual mascot. And no, we didn’t stay in a cave, it was a hotel, with indoor plumbing and everything……but there was no Internet on the third floor.

My reunion however went quite well. I gathered together with a lot of people I have known most of my entire life not having the slightest idea of who most of them were. But all and all it was a great time. My only regret was to have lost touch with so many of them for so long. I really was blessed to grow up with a great group of people. Sadly, when I was in high school, I wasn’t mature enough to recognize that. I am just glad to know I do now.

With the advent of things like email, Facebook, blogs, Twitter, and such we all have the possibilities of reconnecting in ways we couldn’t back then. I am thankful for the opportunity too.

Home sweet home….I am thankful for that too.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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