The blessings of many schedules……

Steph is at the NHS vs Ben Davis HS scrimmage at Ben Davis. Scott is at work for another hour. Amanda is out like a light on our davenport, and Ben is watching Veggietales while I type. Yep….it is just a typical evening at the Tirman home. But the good news is that Ben will not have to head to bed on time and get to see his brother. It is a good thing too. Ben is wearing an orange shirt, and Scott will think it is a Little Caesar’s shirt (where he works), or at least pretend it is! They are pretty tight.

The sad part is that the later that Ben stays up, the harder it is for him to go to bed. He gets so involved with what he is doing the later it gets, that he forgets all about the day ending. I suppose Scott is the same way. It is all about the fun with those two.

But as for me, I will retire soon after they reunite. I probably cannot wait for Steph….I am a fossil. But they will all be home and in bed soon. Life is good, and despite the chaos, it is still my life and I enjoy it!

I hope and pray your day was equally as blessed.


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