The Time Warp….

Gee, all this forgetfulness would be easier to handle if I were only Otis the drunk from the old Andy Griffith Show, but I am not. I have just been very busy as of late and I cannot seem to get a handle on my entire day for more than two days in a row apparently. I AM working to adjust how I am doing things and I believe I am making a lot of progress. With a good night’s sleep tonight (yes, with my wife and my toddler son right next to me —he is convinced it is his bed and I do not belong there!) I hope to be a lot sharper for tomorrow.

I am proud of myself today though. I was up at 4:45 am and now at 11:30 at night I am just finishing up….AND remembering to do this. I did not have the opportunity to rest today, so I am certain sleep will come quite quickly……hopefully before the toddler feet attempt to eject me from the bed!

Life is busy, but it is good. I get to work among some great people. It is such a blessing. And what’s a little confusion amongst all that?

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

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