TRYING to pull the trigger…….

This picture is NOT related……but it cracked me up so I used it.  It is of Ben and Steph and some celebration for one of my cousins (Matt or Steve) in Fort Wayne.  I was LOOKING for a picture of Ben shooting something at a Buzz Lightyear thingy at Disneyworld, but you don’t have to read that far back to understand how jacked my computer is right now.

But at least I can report that EVERDRY (not the owner, but the really upstanding Production Manager and crew…..who I would LOVE to work with) came out today and dug a hell of a trench, sealed it, and then FILLED IT WITH WATER, around my house…..AND, no water inside.  If these guys ONLY OWNED THE COMPANY I would recommend them forever!  But they don’t.  I did however, put a call in to the carpet installer, so I hope we have all the carpet currently sitting in our dining room installed by Christmas.

I did however, file a second complaint with the Better Business Bureau.  I have asked for a FULL REFUND.  It seems that the only way to get them motivated is to complain.  I am just glad to be almost done with them.

But tonight my mind goes back to a joke I told Ben yesterday……..”What did the Blue Cheese say to the guy who opened the refrigerator?”   Answer, “Close the door, I’m dressing!”  Ben WAILED at this and went right into see his grandma (Nanny) and tell her………

Ben…..”What did the Blue Cheese say to the guy who opened the refrigerator?”  Nanny…..”What?”  Ben…….”Shut the door, I am getting dressed.”

Some people just can’t pull the trigger.  I thank God that I am not one of them……

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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